Awareness Coaching

It’s arguable that Christy has been an awareness coach for over 20 years as she’s coached clients how to breathe on the massage table or how to relax their knee as she’s massaging their foot while they are unknowingly trying to hold it up. Or, perhaps the few questions before they climb onto the table to draw their attention to how much water they’ve had to drink that day or helping them to ‘feel into their body’ for the first time that day in order to be able to tell her where she might need to focus the session that day.

Just like the words of a Buddhist monk Christy meditated with more than once in New Jersey, the ongoing challenge and opportunity of our society is that we are collectively overstimulated. This constant demand of our attention from EVERYWHERE around us, keeps us from being aware of our bodies, our minds and the environment we are placing ourselves in on a daily basis. Christy desires to help clients outside of the massage to further their awareness through virtual and in-person coaching. Even better if done over a cup of cacao.

What is Awareness Coaching?

Awareness Coaching is a transformative journey that focuses on enhancing self-awareness and personal growth. It involves engaging in meaningful conversations and exercises to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of oneself.

What to Expect in a Session

In a coaching session, you can anticipate open and non-judgmental discussions. Christy will guide you through reflective exercises, helping you gain insights into your beliefs and patterns. Together, you’ll work towards setting achievable goals and developing a clearer path forward.

Benefits of Awareness Coaching

  • Self-Discovery: Uncover hidden aspects of yourself and gain a clearer sense of identity.
  • Empowerment: Develop tools and strategies to overcome challenges and make informed decisions.
  • Improved Relationships: Enhance communication skills and foster healthier connections with others.
  • Increased Confidence: Build confidence and resilience to navigate life’s ups and downs.

Client Testimonials

“Working with Christy was a game-changer. I learned to navigate life with a newfound clarity and purpose. The impact on my personal and professional life has been remarkable.”


“I was unsure about coaching initially, but the support and guidance I received were beyond my expectations. It’s amazing how much positive change can come from increased self-awareness.”

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