Access Bars® Energy Bodywork

Access Bars Energy Bodywork

What is an Access Bars® Session?

Access Bars is a gentle, hands-on technique that involves touching 32 points on the head. These points relate to different areas of life, such as joy, healing, money, and control. The session aims to release stagnant energy and promote relaxation.

Benefits of an Access Bars® Session

  • Stress Reduction: Experience a deep sense of relaxation, easing stress and tension.
  • Enhanced Clarity: Clear mental clutter, allowing for better decision-making.
  • Improved Sleep: Many report better sleep quality after Access Bars sessions.
  • Increased Joy: Feelings of joy and ease may be enhanced.

What is a Session is Like?

During a session, usually one-hour, you’ll lie down fully clothed as the Christy lightly touches the Bars points. The experience is often described as soothing and calming. Some people may even fall asleep, awakening with a renewed sense of well-being.

What Clients are Saying

“After my Access Bars session, I felt a profound sense of peace. It was like the weight of the world had lifted, and I could approach life with a fresh perspective.”


“I was skeptical at first, but after my session, I can honestly say I’ve never felt more centered and balanced. Access Bars truly made a positive difference in my life.”


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